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【Secure Gambling Apps】Why is the high-speed train shaking? Why is the high-speed train shaking more and more? In theory of relativity, two high-speed trains are traveling at high speed when crossing each other. Assume that one of the two trains A and B is stationary. Another car drove past this car at the same speed as the two cars. High-speed driving will produce airflow. This is aerodynamics, airflow... The high-speed train feels more and more shaking.

Why are the high-speed trains trembling more and more?Secure Gambling Apps

In theory of relativity, two high-speed trains are traveling at high speed when crossing each other. Suppose that one of the two trains A and B is If it doesn't move, the other car will drive past this car at the same speed as the two cars. High-speed driving will produce airflow. This is aerodynamics, airflow...

The high-speed train feels more and more shaking. Is it getting worse?

When the high-speed train from Xi'an to Nanjing was approaching Sudong, the speed was about 300 kilometers per hour. I felt that there was obvious swing in the carriage. This seemed not to be the case before! I felt there was something wrong! The track was elevated, as long as I started from If the design and construction are correct and rigorous, it shouldn't be a problem... West...

Why is the high-speed rail slower but shaking more when it enters the station?

Most of China's high-speed rails The road section has no roadbed, which is more unstable than the roadbed, and the body shape of the high-speed rail is not as stable as the French high-speed rail. If the subgrade part of a high-speed high-speed train passes by a certain extent, it will cause the car body to shake. In safety...

Why do high-speed trains shake left and right while driving?

Because the rails It is uneven, although the error is very small, but you can still feel it. For example, if the left rail is slightly higher, it will sway to the right. Because the rail is uneven, although the error is very small, you can still feel it. For example, if the left rail is slightly higher...

Why does the house shake when the high-speed train passes by?

The house shakes when the high-speed train passes by because of resonance.

Why do trains or high-speed trains enter the station? Is the shaking more serious at some times than at other times?

Because the speed is slow when entering the station, and the track is curved and super high when entering the station, the car body will tilt. You have to cross the turnout before entering the station, and the shaking on the turnout is quite severe because the speed is slow when entering the station, and the track is curved when entering the station...

Why does it feel more shaking when entering and exiting the station on a high-speed train? Ordinary trains are slightly lighter?

Because the high-speed trains run smoothly, if you don’t look outside the carriage, you can’t feel it. Also, the seats are all facing forward. Because the high-speed trains run smoothly, if you are inside the carriage, You can’t feel it without looking outside, and there are seats...

Why is the subway slower than the high-speed rail, but the shaking is worse than the high-speed rail? The subway is vertically...

Thank you Headline invitation, why the subway is slower than the high-speed rail? The reason should be very simple. The subway runs underground in the city, with a stop every two or three minutes, and it does not dare to run too fast. However, the high-speed rail is different. The distance between each stop is longer. It's far away, so... one...

Will you get motion sickness if you take the high-speed rail?

No, the high-speed rail is relatively stable. I'm also very motion sick. I don't shake too much when I look out the window. Halo

What is the difference between the experience of taking a high-speed rail and a train?

The difference between high-speed rail and ordinary trains is: stability. The high-speed train runs very smoothly, basically moving at a constant speed. It won't sway from side to side like an ordinary train. allow. The high-speed rail running time is very accurate. Except for the suspension caused by geological disasters, basically...

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