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【Free Spins Casino Promotions India】What is the serious cause of lacunar infarction?

Does everyone have lacunar infarction?Free Spins Casino Promotions India What causes it? Sometimes I feel like I have a headache

Condition analysis: Lacunar infarction Cerebral infarction is relatively mild, and symptoms mainly depend on the location of the obstruction. Cavity infarction is relatively less harmful and recovers better, and the symptoms of dizziness can be improved with medication. Opinions and suggestions: Live surgery can be used...

Can the cavity infarction return to normal?

Hello, according to the symptoms you described, they are symptoms of cerebral infarction. Here are my treatment suggestions. For cerebral infarction, if it is treated, it can be recovered. Don’t worry, the following is My treatment suggestions; thrombolytic therapy is often...

What is the difference between cerebral infarction and cavity infarction?

I believe many people have seen this during physical examination and head CT The report sheet says lacunar cerebral infarction, but I don’t know whether it is a cerebral infarction, whether it is serious, and what things need to be paid attention to. What are cerebral infarction and cavity infarction? What are the two of them...

Doctor, what is the difference between cerebral infarction and cavity infarction? Are both serious?_Qianwen Health

Guidance Suggestion: Cerebral infarction is caused by cerebral atherosclerotic intimal damage to the cerebral artery lumen, which in turn causes local thrombosis to form due to various factors, aggravating the arterial stenosis or complete occlusion, leading to brain tissue ischemia, hypoxia, damage...

What factors are related to the occurrence of cerebral infarction?

As time goes by, the blood vessels of the human body will begin to age, and the blood vessels will undergo a series of changes. The most common ones are The "aging" and "blocking" of blood vessels, because of these changes in blood vessels, will lead to "infarction...especially...

A 60-year-old man found a luminal infarction without any symptoms. Yes Not after a man is over fifty...

Dr. Zhang is online----"Do you understand lacunar infarction (lacunar infarction)?" I don't work in a hospital, so maybe everyone is familiar with some medical issues. The terms are relatively unfamiliar. For example, a brain CT scan was performed during a physical examination. The report sheet said: lacunar cerebral infarction, but... Dr. Zhang...

What medicine can be used to relieve the symptoms of lacunar infarction? ?

Condition analysis: Lacunar cerebral infarction usually occurs at the end of blood vessels, causing ischemic necrosis of a small area of ​​brain tissue, forming a lacuna, so the symptoms of the average patient are not serious, but this kind of cerebral infarction usually occurs at the end of blood vessels. The recurrence rate of types of cerebral infarction is very...

What is the cause of cerebral infarction?

The cause of cerebral infarction is blood vessel obstruction caused by long-term atherosclerosis, which affects patients. Produce atherosclerosis. Hypertension is the most common cause of atherosclerosis, followed by diabetes, hyperlipidemia, smoking, alcoholism, high homology...

What causes cerebral infarction?

Cerebral infarction is another disastrous disease after cancer. It has a rapid onset and high disability rate. Once it occurs, it will lead to death or disability. It is a major killer of human health. In people's minds, cerebral infarction usually occurs in middle-aged and older people after the age of 40...

Why are patients with cerebral infarction getting younger and younger? How long can people with cerebral infarction live? Is there any cure? ?

This is a common question: express my personal opinion: "Why are patients with cerebral infarction getting younger and younger?" There are several reasons that need to be considered: Increase in risk factors: changes in dietary structure, environment Deterioration, pollution...but...

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