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How to prepare the sauce of braised vegetables?Top Online Slots Apps for Cash Prizes India

How to prepare the sauce of braised vegetables? (How to prepare the sauce of braised vegetables?) I just saw this When I asked the question, what I understood was how to prepare the brine for braised vegetables? But after I finished writing, when I checked the text, I felt... Braised vegetables...

Fried vegetables smell bad How to make dipping sauce for tofu

How to make the dipping sauce for fried stinky tofu sold on the street? (It is a sticky sauce like tomato sauce, not chili water and garlic. Water) How to make the dipping sauce for fried stinky tofu sold on the street...

What are the "New Year flavors" in your hometown?

< p> Fan Foan 3 days ago · Tianshui Xinghuo Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Quality Inspection Specialist Nian is a smell. This strong smell has been permeating the air since the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month. When I was a child, every time it was noon on this day, the adults would cook a pot... Now...

What are you going to cook for your family’s Dragon Boat Festival dinner?

What are your family’s dishes for the Dragon Boat Festival? What are you going to cook? The Dragon Boat Festival dinner has always been in my childhood memory. Separation after growing up is always ordinary. The delicacies during the Dragon Boat Festival will always be sweet in the memory, and the hard dishes during the festival are the most common...Duan...

Which is the most popular stiletto beef restaurant in Leshan?

My heartfelt thanks to the fans for inviting me to answer! Meishi Zuojia is an authentic native of Neijiang, Sichuan. My home is only more than 100 kilometers away from Leshan. I will go to Leshan every three to five. Leshan not only has people I will never forget, but also many people. The unforgettable beef with raised legs...

What dishes are you going to cook for the Mid-Autumn Festival family banquet? Which one is your best?

What are the dishes you are going to cook for the Mid-Autumn Festival family banquet? Which one is the best? Time flies so fast, next Friday is the Mid-Autumn Festival. During the New Year and festivals, it is the time when the family gathers together the most, so it is inevitable to put some thought into cooking delicious dishes. ...

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