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【VIP Casino Programs India】What’s the joke about Long Shufen?

What's the joke about Long Shufen?VIP Casino Programs India

From the fourth issue of "Happy Comedian Season 5", Lu Xinyuhao's cross talk "Can a Knight Be OK?": Talk Xiao Longnu's real name was actually "Long Shufen". There is a very famous barbecue skewers in Chongqing, called Chongqing skewers - Shufenzhang...

What is Shufen?

Question 1: What is He Juan Shufen? did this joke come about? Shen's wife, Shen Yulun's penis is called He Juan, Kenny's penis is called Shufen. Question 2: What does Shufen mean? Shu represents quietness, elegance, and both ability and political integrity...

What is the meaning of the fifth personality Shufen?

1. There are many explanations for the Internet term "Shufen", one of which is the explanation of "Shufen" by the game blogger "Dai Ana" The nickname of the hero in "Glory of the King"; "Shufen" also appeared in the 63rd episode of "Wulin Gaiden", this "Shufen" is not...

What does Douyin Shufen mean? This meme How did it come about?

The video you saw on Douyin should be the video of the game commentator Duana. In the explanation video of Duana, he will call the hero he is training. For Shufen, and another game commentator Binglei`Shufen talks about herself...

What does 1433223 mean (whose combo is 1433223)_Hao Weiwei

emmmm It means "Uh", it is often used when chatting, and it has a joking meaning. 1433223 is the combo formula of the new hero Yuan Ge. After the major version update on July 4, Yuan Ge has been launched on the official server. There are probably a lot of them. ..

How to evaluate "League of Legends" commentator Zhou Shuyi said "Next..." when the dragon soul has been determined.

"This dragon is too disgusting, 4 "The same attributes." At first I thought this sentence was fishing, but now it can become a meme exclusive to Sister Zhou. This live broadcast accident occurred in the 2020 LPL Spring Split, March 18, between VG and TES.. .

Zhou Shuyi is sour again and reports the female guest of LPL Channel 2 again: I can’t compare with you, so I report like crazy...

Zhou Shuyi reports LPL Douyu Channel 2 again, I see this It’s to promote Douyu, the second channel. Of course, it’s also for self-promotion. Zhou Shuyi is the anchor of Douyu platform and one of the official commentators of League of Legends LPL...

Why do so many people complain that the TV series "Three Thousand Crows" chose the wrong heroine and the plot is too routine?

On March 19, the fantasy fairy tale drama "Three Thousand Crows" co-starred by Zhao Lusi, Zheng Yecheng, Jiang Yiyi and others. "Three Thousand Crows" has made its premiere, and the much-anticipated drama was once classified as "to be released". The drama tells the story of the relationship between the immortal master and the emperor's daughter after thousands of years...

< h3>Why is "Chen Qing Ling" so popular?

First of all, thank you very much for the questions raised by netizens. Recently, the most hotly discussed drama on the Internet should be "Chen Qing Ling", which was launched on Tencent Video on June 27. "Chen Qing Ling". The first thing that became popular was the jokes about the characters. Wei Wuxian was shortened to wifi, Lan Wangji...

What bad drama titles have delayed a good drama?

Talking about an old ATV drama, "I Have a Date with Spring", when I first heard the name, I just thought it was a little girl's love affair, and I never became interested in watching it. Later, I watched Hong Kong dramas for a while, and couldn't stop watching them from the beginning. Now... Dramas...

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