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【Online Rummy App】The radical of dance

Preface: What is Online Rummy Appthe radical of dance? The radical of dance is Xi. Dance, Wu, never know what to do, music is also. Use your feet to support each other, (1) shape sound. Congju (chuǎn), two feet facing each other. The ancient dance character resembles the shape of a person dancing while holding an ox's tail. Original meaning: dance. (2) Same as the original meaning [dance]. The original meaning is dance, turning the body according to a certain rhythm to perform various postures. It also refers to various dance categories derived from it.

What is the radical of dance?

The radical of dance is Xi. Dance, Wu, never know what to do, music is also. Use your feet to support each other, (1) shape sound. Congchu (chuǎn), two feet facing each other. The ancient dance character resembles the shape of a person dancing while holding an ox's tail. Original meaning: dance. (2) The same as the original meaning of [dance]. The original meaning is dance, turning the body according to a certain rhythm to perform various postures, and also refers to various dance categories derived from it. Extended information 1. This.

What is the radical of "Dance"?

The radical of "Wu" is "Xi", with 14 strokes. When looking up radicals in the dictionary, look up "西", and then among the 14 characters, you can see the word "武". Common word combinations include: dance, encourage, dance, fly, dance, dance, solo, song and dance, dance fan, dance hall, dance partner, dancer, flutter, etc. The original meaning of "dance" is dance. example.

What is the radical of the word dance

The radical of "wu" is Xi. Xi is a Chinese character created based on the method of pictography. The characters "xi" and "yue" in oracle bone inscriptions have the same shape, both of which resemble the shape of the first moon. The bronze inscriptions are slightly simpler and different from "yue". The characters in seal script were transformed into regular script after the official change. Write "Xi". According to its shape, it is called "moon", and according to its time, it is called "xi". The original meaning of Xi is "sunset, evening." There are also other common words with Xi as the radical.

What is the radical of dance?

Radical radical: Xi Wu, wu, has no clue, and is happy. Use your feet to support each other, (1) shape sound. Congchu (chuǎn), two feet facing each other. The ancient dance character resembles the shape of a person dancing while holding an ox's tail. Original meaning: dance. (2) Same as original meaning [dance] Explanation: [Name] 1. Original meaning: dance. (Dance) Wuxuan (twirling dance; juggling, dancing); Wufan (dressing up as Zhong Kui, judge.

What is the structure of the radical of "武"?

The meaning of "武" Radical: Xi, structure: wǔ Definition: 1. Perform various postures according to a certain rhythm. ~Sword. Taiwan. 2. Play: ~ Wen Nongmo. Stroke number: 31122221354152. Total strokes: 14.

What is the radical of Wu?

The radical of Wu is wǔ, the initial consonant is w, the final vowel is u, and the number of strokes is 14. The stroke order is: left, horizontal, horizontal, vertical, vertical, vertical, horizontal, left. , horizontal hook, horizontal hook, vertical hook. 1. Perform various postures according to a certain rhythm. Dance, dance, dance. /p>

Dancing Dance Radicals

Dance Pinyin wǔ Radical Xi Stroke 14 Five Elements Water Traditional Dance Wubi RLGH Basic Definition of the Vocabulary Book Detailed Definition 1. Turn the body according to a certain rhythm to perform various performances Posture: ~ dance. ~ posture. ~ female. ~ Taiwan. ~ Wen Nong Mo. Related words: waving.

What is the radical of dance?

Dance radical: Xi [Pinyin] [wǔ] [Definition] 1. Turn the body according to a certain rhythm to perform various postures: ~ dance . ~Skill. ~Sword. ~Tai. What is the radical of Wen Nongmo? /h2>

The radical of "武" is Xi. Xi is a Chinese character created based on the pictographic method. The characters "xi" and "moon" in oracle bone inscriptions have the same shape, both are shaped like the first moon, and the inscriptions are slightly simpler. Different from "moon", it was written in seal script. After the official reform, it was written as "xi" in regular script. According to its shape, it was said to be "xi". The original meaning of "xi" is "sunset, evening." There are also words with the radical "xi".

What is the radical of Wu?

The radical of Wu is Xi. Wu has only one pronunciation, and the pinyin of Wu is wǔ. : 1. The shape of "Cong Chu" (chuǎn), the shape of a person holding an ox's tail and dancing. 2. The same meaning as "Dance" - "Book of Rites". "Legend of Music" 3. The top of the bell is called dance - "Kao Gong Ji·Fu Shi"

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