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【Best Slot Bonuses India】What should I eat after being discharged from hospital with intestinal obstruction?

How to adjust your diet after discharge from hospital with enema for intestinal obstruction

You should eat small meals frequently,Best Slot Bonuses India eat at regular intervals, and avoid eating foods that are too hard and indigestible. For food, you can eat a semi-liquid diet, such as noodles, wontons, millet and red date porridge, steamed buns, bread, soda crackers, etc. Gas-producing foods such as milk,...

I am a patient with early-stage intestinal obstruction. Hey, is there anything you can’t eat? Can I eat the cake?

Hello, when intestinal obstruction has just healed, or at ordinary times, you should pay attention to your diet. Only by paying attention in this way can you prevent recurrence; Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink more water, don't eat spicy food, don't eat oil...

Intestinal obstruction is better, what is good to eat

Advanced to a small amount of liquid diet, Including noodle soup, rice porridge, meat floss, etc. The intake of liquid diet is a good stimulus to the intestines, can promote the recovery of intestinal function, and is conducive to recovery. You can eat a semi-liquid diet for a week, such as...

What do you usually eat after the intestinal obstruction is cured?

The so-called gas production or no gas production is very important for the recovery of intestinal obstruction. It doesn’t matter to the patient! What you need to know is, what is the cause of your intestinal obstruction?! For example, your intestinal obstruction is caused by previous abdominal surgery...

Request for intestinal obstruction Diet after surgery, which vegetables are easy to digest_Qianwen Health

After the surgery, the intestines were damaged and were still relatively weak and have not fully recovered. It is recommended to eat a semi-liquid diet. , such as porridge, noodles, juice, egg custard, yogurt, soup, vegetables, etc. Do more exercise at ordinary times, avoid...

Diet after incomplete intestinal obstruction is cured

Guidance: Hello, it’s okay, don’t eat spicy food, eat more Vegetables, fruits, bananas, don’t catch cold, don’t drink cold water. Develop the habit of regular bowel movements. I wish your children to grow up healthily and happily.

How long after intestinal obstruction can I eat normally

. Hello! After the intestinal obstruction is cleared, you can usually eat some easily digestible liquid food, such as porridge, within 6 hours. Do not eat hard or greasy food.

How long after intestinal obstruction can I eat normally

. Hello! After the intestinal obstruction is cleared, you can usually eat some easily digestible liquid food, such as porridge, within 6 hours. Do not eat hard or greasy food.

Can panax notoginseng powder be consumed during the recovery period from intestinal obstruction

Intestinal obstruction is a condition in which intestinal contents cannot move forward due to mechanical obstruction or loss of intestinal motility, which will lead to intestinal dysfunction. significantly affected. . During the recovery period, it is important to give the intestines adequate rest and use some...

What should I eat after removing the gastric tube for intestinal obstruction?_Qianwen Health

Intestinal obstruction The patient's gastric tube plays a decompressive role. If after removal, the doctor in charge tells him that he can eat, he can eat some liquids first, such as lotus root starch, rice soup, etc. If there is no discomfort, especially...

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