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【Secure Real Money Casino Apps】What are the causes of corn aphids?

What are the causes of corn worms - Industry Encyclopedia

Corn aphids are sensitive to sugar and mainly occur during the heading stage of corn. TheSecure Real Money Casino Apps time is from August to September, and it is more common in drought years. It is easy to break out when there is rain after a long drought. Most seriously, corn aphids can spread.

What should you do if aphids grow on corn stalks?

Corn aphids are the most common pests of corn. We call them locally the corn aphids, which should be the local name of the corn aphids. Change. This insect has aggregation tendency.

What kind of medicine is good for corn aphid in July?

It is necessary to treat corn aphids. If not treated, it will harm the autumn harvest, and the yield will be particularly obvious. The first method to control greasy insects is to use dimethoate, and the second method is to use pirimicarb. It is recommended to follow the instructions when applying these two pesticides.

What is the occurrence pattern of corn aphids? What is the occurrence of corn aphids?

In addition, aphids can also spread corn dwarf mosaic virus and red leaf virus, causing viral diseases to cause greater damage. Yield loss. 1. Agricultural prevention and control: clear away weeds in fields and reduce early sources of insects. 2. Chemical control: 1. Seed coating or mixing.

What are the reasons for frequent corn worm outbreaks?

The following may be the reasons for corn loveworm. From a fundamental point of view, first of all, it may be that the corn itself is not a good variety and contains some insect eggs from the beginning.

How to prevent and control corn aphids?

Do you have a clearer photo? Does it refer to the mold layer on the leaves? This should be the sooty mold disease, which is mainly caused by aphids and whiteflies. Seriously, their excrement can cause saprophytic infection. Thank you for your review [smiley face]

How to treat small black bugs on corn?

Answer: If there are bugs on corn, you can use the following methods to prevent and control pests 1. Lower temperature, at 20 degrees Quasi-low temperatures can limit the growth of pests. Refrigeration can prevent the growth of pests, and freezing can kill pests. 2. Drying to repel insects and drying.

How to prevent and control corn aphids?

Corn is one of the most important economic crops in rural areas. However, the damage caused by aphids during the planting process directly affects the production of corn, so we should pay attention to corn aphids. Prevention and control are very important. Aphids mainly occur on growing corn plants.

What are the specific contents of corn aphids? - Understand

Corn aphids are commonly known as honey bugs and greasy bugs. They belong to the family Aphididae of the order Homoptera and occur in all corn planting areas in China. It can damage a variety of grass crops and weeds, and can damage corn throughout its growth period.

What is the reason for the frequent occurrence of worms in corn -

At present, it is very normal for corn borers and aphids to occur in corn in China, which proves that [corn has high nutritional value. Bugs love to eat!] Preventing bugs is also very simple: spray [emamectin + fenfofen + thiamethoxam + during the trumpet period.

Corn aphids, commonly known as grubs, belong to the order Homoptera and the family Aphididae. Their host crops include corn, sorghum, wheat, setaria, etc. The morphological characteristics are: oval shape. There are two types: winged parthenogenetic aphids and wingless parthenogenetic aphids. The body length is about 1.6-2mm. The antennae have 4-6 segments, and the skin is smooth and textured. The antennae of winged aphids usually have 6 segments, the midrib of the forewings is divided into 2-3 branches, and the hind wings often have 2 cubital veins. Corn aphids are sensitive to sugars and mainly occur during the corn heading stage, which is approximately August to September. They are more common in drought years and are prone to outbreaks when there is rain after a long drought. The most serious thing is that corn aphids can spread viral diseases, cause black ears, affect grain filling, etc.

Mainly distributed in Northeast China, North China, East China, Central China and Southwest China, it directly affects the photosynthesis and pollination of corn, and can spread viruses, causing corn dwarf mosaic disease, which can reduce corn yield by 15 to 30 days. %. In my country, the main ones that harm corn include corn aphids, cereal aphids, wheat aphids, and wheat aphids. In addition, there are also cottonwoods in the Huang-Huai-Hai region, among which corn aphids are the most serious.

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