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【New Online Gambling Sites India】How to dry lotus seeds without discoloration

How to dry lotus seeds without turning black - Jiuzhou Zui Catering Network

Remove the lotus clothes outside the lotus seeds and put them in the sun to dry. When drying lotus seeds,New Online Gambling Sites India you need to keep them dry and avoid environments such as humid rainforests to prevent the lotus seeds from deteriorating. Before drying the lotus seeds, you can also remove the heart of the lotus seeds to avoid drying.

How to prevent lotus seeds from turning black in the sun? Most of the lotus seeds that are dried in the home are darkened - Jiuzhou Zui Restaurant Network

In fact, how to prevent lotus seeds from turning black in the sun is also easy to solve. First of all Boil water in a hot pot. How much water to put depends on the number of lotus seeds. It is best that the water can cover the lotus seeds. After the water in the pot boils, add a small amount of alkali and stir for a few times.

I am going to dry the lotus seeds at home. How to dry the lotus seeds without turning black? - Jiuzhou Zui Restaurant Network

For lotus seeds in life, just put them under the sun to dry , it will become very black, which is a situation that cannot be avoided at all. His black color becomes this color after a chemical reaction.

Yesterday, my relatives gave me some fresh lotus seeds. I would like to ask how to dry lotus seeds without discoloration? - Jiuzhou Zui...

I think lotus seeds are delicious and I like to eat them. Lotus seed stew is very delicious. Our family also uses fresh lotus seeds to dry them, and then takes them out when needed. How to dry the lotus seeds?

I would like to ask how to dry fresh lotus seeds without turning black? - Jiuzhou Zui Catering Network

I can answer the question about how to dry fresh lotus seeds without turning black. I will first add an appropriate amount of alkali to boiled water, not too much, stir evenly, then add dried lotus seeds, cover and simmer for a while, and then use a broom to stir in the pot.

My raw lotus seeds have changed color. How can I keep the raw lotus seeds from changing color when dried? - Jiuzhou Zui Catering Network

If you want your raw lotus seeds to not change color when dried, then This needs to be paid attention to. First of all, you need to put a thin layer of transparent paper on the surface of the raw lotus seeds when they are placed in the sun. In this way, they will be basic.

How to dry lotus seeds without discoloration - Industry Encyclopedia

Take fresh lotus seeds, peel off the outer green protective shell, and place them on clean ground to dry in the sun. There is no need to cook lotus seeds when drying them. The cooked lotus seeds will deteriorate and rot during the drying process, so try not to peel off the thin skin. air.

I have a question, how can fresh lotus seeds be dried without darkening? - Jiuzhou Zui Restaurant Network

My next door neighbor was drying lotus seeds before, but the curtains of their house were not dry. , it may be due to the weather. The weather has been very dry these days, the wind is strong, and the sun is very strong, so the moisture is quickly dried out.

I bought lotus seeds. Why do lotus seeds turn black when dried? - Jiuzhou Zui Catering Network

If you have grown lotus seeds at home, you will know why lotus seeds turn black when dried. In fact, this is a normal phenomenon. Originally, the circle of lotus seeds will turn black when exposed to the sun. Anyway, this depends on the individual, because everyone has it.

Why do lotus seeds turn yellow when dried?

Take fresh lotus seeds, peel off the outer green protective shell, and place them on clean ground to dry in the sun. There is no need to cook lotus seeds when drying them. The cooked lotus seeds will deteriorate and rot during the drying process, so try not to peel off the thin skin. When drying.

How to prevent lotus seeds from discoloring when dried: Take fresh lotus seeds, peel off the outer green protective shell, and place them on clean ground to dry in the sun. There is no need to cook lotus seeds when drying them. After cooking, the lotus seeds will deteriorate and rot when they are dried in the sun. Try not to peel off the thin skin. When drying, try to cover it with gauze to prevent insect bites. Dried lotus seeds should be put into sealable transparent plastic bags and stored at room temperature.

Lotus seeds, also known as lotus root, Shuizhidan, etc., are the seeds of the perennial aquatic herb of the Nymphaeaceae family. Oval or oval, 1.2~1.7 cm long, with red or white seed coat. Produced in the northern and southern provinces of my country, growing spontaneously or cultivated in ponds or paddy fields, it is distributed in the Soviet Union, North Korea, Japan, India, Vietnam, southern Asia and Oceania. Lotus seeds are rich in nutrients and contain protein, fat, starch, alkaloids, flavonoids, vitamin C and a variety of nutrients needed by the human body.

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