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【Top Slot Machine Games India】It’s nothing. What kind of joke is this sentence?

"You chased me for eight streets,Top Slot Machine Games India and I told you, I am not your father." What kind of joke is this sentence?

< p>Maybe it's the content in the game. There are a lot of similar contents, usually in the game. In many cases, it may be the content in the game. There are also a lot of similar contents, usually in the game. ...

What does "Geng" mean? Where does the word come from? - Red Net Q&A

In Internet terms, in variety shows, the so-called "Geng" means laughter point. The plot is to set the stage for laughter. "Geng" is a false character, and the correct character should be "哏". But in fact, the meaning of "Geng" is spread by Taiwanese people...

What kind of meme is "life is not worth it"?

I feel that many things in the world are not worth doing, or To cherish or feel. This sentence expresses a very world-weary psychological feeling. I feel that I don’t care about anything in this life and have nothing...

The person you like would rather be single than be in harmony. What's the point of being together?

There is a saying in "Riding the Wind and Waves": If a girl doesn't like you, it's useless whatever you do. Maybe she doesn't like you, or there may be other factors. You can pursue her relentlessly and show your utmost care, but in the end it will still be fruitless...

How to talk about what and who to talk to What's the plot?

This sentence should be understood as how to say it, what to say, and who to say it to, which is easier to understand. This is an irregular spoken language. We should try to use written language and Mandarin, so that communication will be more convenient and understandable. This sentence...

What’s the meaning of not wanting to plant trees and not wanting to enjoy the shade?

What’s the meaning of not wanting to plant trees and not wanting to enjoy the shade? You are a mature and independent woman, you don’t want to Planting trees, I don’t want to make wedding dresses for others, I don’t want to be with an unstable and immature man, I don’t want to plant trees, I don’t want to grow up with him, I’m too tired, I don’t want to take advantage of... No...

What are the jokes about "Kamen Rider"?

Hello everyone, I am Ye Yunxian. Kamen Rider has spawned many memes since its broadcast and brought a lot of joy to everyone. So how many knight memes are there? Without further ado, let me introduce it to you: Kamen Rider Kuuga:...The reason...

What kind of memes are you being more or less disrespectful of me? ?

That means he respects your wishes. If you are willing to date him, he will be very happy, but he does not want to force it, and if you are not very satisfied, he will not persist. That's what it means. So, he wants you to make a statement. The meaning of this sentence is...

What are the popular memes in 2020? Let’s share them and have fun together?

A comprehensive list of popular memes in 2020, come and take a look Is there anything you don’t know? There are a lot of funny and popular memes, and some of you may not know much about them. Let’s take a look. 1. The "Saipan" joke comes from a Thai... 4...

I stand in the fog and can't even see the cows and horses. What's the joke?

You stand Even the cows and horses can't be seen clearly in the fog. This sentence means that you can't actually see anything clearly in the room. It means that sometimes you are just a fan of the authorities, and it is clear to bystanders. When you are released from prison, this matter At that time, you simply...

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